Monday, June 10, 2013

It was mostly cool

Here I am, back from the Punk rock Flea Market.  a very cool event that attracts very cool people.  So cool, in fact, that I immediately felt somewhat uncool.  As a vendor, it was a wash. Folks said they liked my stuff. they were intrigued about the lotion bars and I sold a few, But mostly it was an observation opportunity.  I thought the fabric jewelry would be a hit, especially at a low price.  Not this time.

So, I continue to wonder if I should keep doing these fairs.  Maybe try to only put out a few things next time.  The journals people like, the lotion bars they are curious about.  I know the eye pillow/hand warmers sell.  We'll see.

But, i do have to say that the best part was that I had a goal - something to work toward.  It gave me energy and inspired me.  I need goals like that, otherwise I flounder and get distracted easily.  Making stuff that other people like is hard - taste is so very subjective.

So, we shall see what comes next... until then